Package: wrMisc 1.15.2

wrMisc: Analyze Experimental High-Throughput (Omics) Data

The efficient treatment and convenient analysis of experimental high-throughput (omics) data gets facilitated through this collection of diverse functions. Several functions address advanced object-conversions, like manipulating lists of lists or lists of arrays, reorganizing lists to arrays or into separate vectors, merging of multiple entries, etc. Another set of functions provides speed-optimized calculation of standard deviation (sd), coefficient of variance (CV) or standard error of the mean (SEM) for data in matrixes or means per line with respect to additional grouping (eg n groups of replicates). A group of functions facilitate dealing with non-redundant information, by indexing unique, adding counters to redundant or eliminating lines with respect redundancy in a given reference-column, etc. Help is provided to identify very closely matching numeric values to generate (partial) distance matrixes for very big data in a memory efficient manner or to reduce the complexity of large data-sets by combining very close values. Other functions help aligning a matrix or data.frame to a reference using partial matching or to mine an experimental setup to extract patterns of replicate samples. Many times large experimental datasets need some additional filtering, adequate functions are provided. Convenient data normalization is supported in various different modes, parameter estimation via permutations or boot-strap as well as flexible testing of multiple pair-wise combinations using the framework of 'limma' is provided, too. Batch reading (or writing) of sets of files and combining data to arrays is supported, too.

Authors:Wolfgang Raffelsberger [aut, cre]

wrMisc.pdf |wrMisc.html
wrMisc/json (API)

# Install 'wrMisc' in R:
install.packages('wrMisc', repos = c('', ''))


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

4.36 score 3 packages 35 scripts 1.4k downloads 266 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 6 months agofrom:580c2ced77. Checks:6 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-macOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 26 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 26 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 26 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 26 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 26 2025



Getting started with wrMisc

Rendered fromwrMiscVignette1.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-08-21
Started: 2020-04-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add letter to all elements but not last.addLetterWoLast
Calculate ratios for each column to each column of reference-matrix.allRatioMatr1to2
Search character-string and cut either before or after.allRatios
Summarize along columns of multiple arrays in list.arrLstMean
Summarize along columns of mult arrays in list.arrLstSEM
Convert anything to data.frame.asDF2
Get series of values after last discontinuity.breakInSer
Bring most extreme to center.bringToCtr
Check argument names.checkArgNa
Check list of arrays for consistent dimensions of all arrays.checkConsistentArrList
Convert to simple vector (similar to unlist).checkConvt2Vect
Check Factor.checkFactor
checkFileNameExtensions Function for checking file-names..checkFileNameExtensions
Check argument for Location of legend.checkLegendLoc
Compare 'dat' to confindence interval of linare model 'lMod' (eg from lm()).checkLmConfInt
Check regression arguments.checkRegrArguments
Automatic choice of colors.chooseGrpCol
Combine annotation information from list of matrixes.combineListAnnot
Compare by distance/difference.compareByDiff
Compare by log-ratio.compareByLogRatio
Compare by PPM.compareByPPM
Search (complementing) columns for best coverage of non-NA data for rowNormalization (main).complCols
Compose sequence of (function-)calls.composeCallName
Convert numeric matrix to numeric.convertMatrToNum
Convert/standardize names of 'query' to standard names from 'ref'.convertNa
Avoid duplicating items between 'curNa' and 'newNa' by incrementing digits after 'extPref' (in newNa).corDuplItemsByIncrem
Search character-string and cut either before or after.cutAtSearch
Cut string to get all variants from given start with min and max length.cutStr
Model linear regression and optional plot.datSlope
Extract NA-neighbour values.extrNAneighb
Extract number(s) before capital character.extrNumHeadingCap
Extract numbers before separator followed by alphabetic character.extrNumHeadingSepChar
Filter nodes & edges for extracting networks (main) This function allows extracting and filtering network-data based on fixed threshold ('limInt') and add sandwich-nodes (nodes inter-connecting initial nodes) out of node-based queries..filterNetw
Filter 3-dim array of numeric data (main).filterSw
Filter for size.filtSize
Find overlap instances among range of values in lines.findBorderOverlaps
Get first minimum.firstMin
fuse 2 instances of 3dim arr as mult cols in 3dim array.fuse2ArrBy2ndDim
Get A value for each group of replicates.getAmean
Get A value for each group of replicates based on comp.getAmean2
Get M value for each group of replicates based on comp.getMvalue2
Grow tree.growTree
Segment (1-dim vector) 'dat' into clusters.insp1dimByClustering
Inspect 'matr' and check if 1st line can be used/converted as header.inspectHeader
Refine/filter 'dat1' (1dim dataset, eg cluster) with aim of keeping center of data.keepCenter1d
Remove all columns where all data are not finite.keepFiniteCol
Check if vector may be numeric content.mayBeNum
Rescale respective to specific group.medianSpecGrp
Merge Multiple Matrices (main).mergeMatrices
find closest neighbour to numeric vector.minDif
Distances beteenw sorted points of 2-columns.neigbDis
Main Normalization function.normalize
Normalize columns of 2dim matrix to common linear regression fit.normConstSlope
Return position of 'di' (numeric vector) which is most excentric (distant to 0), starts with NAs as most excentric.offCenter
Paste-concatenate all columns of matrix.pasteCols
Pie plot for counting results.plotCountPie
Add lower caps to character vector.plusLowerCaps
Calculate residues of (2-dim) linear model 'lMod'-prediction of/for 'dat'.predRes
Raise all values close to lowest value.raiseColLowest
Remove columns indicated by col-number.removeCol
Search for (empty) columns conaining only entries defined in 'searchFields' and remove such columns.removeEmptyCol
Replace Special Characters.replSpecChar
Trim character string: keep only text before 'sep'.retain1stPart
row group CV (main).rowGrpCV
row group mean (main).rowGrpMeans
row group sd (main).rowGrpSds
row group rowSums per group (main).rowGrpSums
Row-normalization procedure on matrix or data.frame 'dat'.rowNorm
Obtain normalization factor (main).rowNormFact
Scale between 0 and 1 (main).scale01
Rescale respective to specific group.scaleSpecGrp
Scale between min and max value (main).scaleXY
Cut string to get all variants from given start with min length, depreciated.seqCutStr
Set lowest value to given value.setLowestTo
Choose most frequent or middle of sorted vector.sortMid
Reorganize array by reducing dimension 'byDim' (similar to stack() for data-frames).stackArray
Summarize columns of matrix (or data.frame) 'x' using apply (main).summarizeCols
Trim from end (Deprecated).trimFromEnd
Trim from start (Deprecated).trimFromStart
Trim From Left Side.trimLeft
Trim From Right Side.trimRight
Check regression arguments.uniqueWName
Convert numeric vector to matrix.vector2Matr
Add text before file-extensionaddBeforFileExtension
Linear rescaling of numeric vertor or matrixadjBy2ptReg
Adjust Value With Different Decimal Prefixes To Single Prefix Plus UnitadjustUnitPrefix
Append vectors or lists, without duplcating common elementsappendNR
CV of arrayarrayCV
Organize Data as Separate List-EntriesasSepList
Connect edges to from tree and extract all possible branchesbuildTree
cbind to non-redundantcbindNR
Check how multiple groups of data separate or overlap based on mean +/- sdcheckAvSd
Check If File Is Available For ReadingcheckFilePath
Check order of multiple groups including non-overlapping SEM-marginscheckGrpOrderSEM
Check for similar values in seriescheckSimValueInSer
Check for strict (ascencing or descending) ordercheckStrictOrder
Check For Common Unit-Name in TextcheckUnitPrefix
Check length of vectorcheckVectLength
Replace Most Distant Values by NAcleanReplicates
Reorganize results of search for close (similar) values in matrix-viewcloseMatchMatrix
Compare Means Of Two Vectors By Permutation TestcoinPermTest
Standard Error Of Median For Each Column By BootstrapcolMedSds
Transform Numeric Values To Color-GradientcolorAccording2
sd for each columncolSds
Planing for making all multiplicative combinationscombinatIntTable
Combine Vectors From List And Return Basic Count StatisticscombineAsN
Create factor-like column regrouping data regrouping simultaneaously by two factorscombineByEitherFactor
Find and combine points located very close in x/y spacecombineOverlapInfo
Combine/reduce redundant lines based on specified columncombineRedBasedOnCol
Combine Redundant Lines In ListcombineRedundLinesInList
Combine Redundant Lines In List, DeprecatedcombineRedundLinesInListAcRef
Combine replicates from list to matrixcombineReplFromListToMatr
Get all combinations with TRUE from each columncombineSingleT
Complete list of arrays for same dimensionscompleteArrLst
Value Matching With Option For Concatenated TermsconcatMatch
Confidence Interval To Given AlphaconfInt
Characterize individual contribution of single edges in tree-structurescontribToContigPerFrag
Convert matrix of integer to matrix of x-times repeated column-namesconv01toColNa
Assign new transparency to given colorsconvColorToTransp
Convert matrix (eg with redundant) row-names to data.frameconvMatr2df
Convert Vector To NumericconvToNum
get coordinates of values/points in matrix according to filtering conditioncoordOfFilt
Correct vector to uniquecorrectToUnique
Correct mixed slash and backslash in file pathcorrectWinPath
Count from two vectors number of values close within given limitscountCloseToLimits
Count same start- and end- sites of edges (or fragments)countSameStartEnd
Cut 3-dim array in list of matrixes (or arrays) similar to organizing into clusterscutArrayInCluLike
Cut character-vector at multiple sitescutAtMultSites
Cut numeric vector to n groups (ie convert to factor)cutToNgrp
Compute matrix of differences for all pairwise combinations of numeric vectordiffCombin
Difference in ppm between numeric valuesdiffPPM
Eliminate close (overlapping) points (in x & y space)elimCloseCoord
Equal character-length numberequLenNumber
Exclude extreme values (based on distance to mean)exclExtrValues
Normalize by adjusting exponentexponNormalize
Extract just one series, ie channel, of list of arraysextr1chan
Extract last two numeric parts from character vectorextractLast2numericParts
Flexible extraction of columnsextrColsDeX
Extract numeric part of matrix or data.frameextrNumericFromMatr
Extract specific textextrSpcText
Filter three-dimensional array of numeric datafilt3dimArr
Filter lines(rows) and/or columns from all suitable elements of listfilterLiColDeList
Filter for unique elementsfilterList
Filter nodes & edges for extracting networks This function allows extracting and filtering network-data based on fixed threshold ('limInt') and add sandwich-nodes (nodes inter-connecting initial nodes) out of node-based queries.filterNetw
Filter for unique elementsfiltSizeUniq
Find close numeric values between two vectorsfindCloseMatch
Find repeated elementsfindRepeated
Find similar numeric values from two vectors/matrixesfindSimilFrom2sets
Select groups within given rangefindUsableGroupRange
Filter matrix to keep only first of repeated linesfirstLineOfDat
Find first of repeated elementsfirstOfRepeated
Reduce to first occurance of repeated linesfirstOfRepLines
Fuse annotation matrix to initial matrixfuseAnnotMatr
Fuse content of list-elements with redundant (duplicated) namesfuseCommonListElem
Fuse pairs to generate cluster-namesfusePairs
Get first of repeated by columnget1stOfRepeatedByCol
Print matrix-content as plotgetValuesByUnique
Convert ulr-name for reading in raw-modegitDataUrl
Html Special Character ConversionhtmlSpecCharConv
Extract Longest Common Text Out Of Character VectorkeepCommonText
Transform (factor) levels into indexlevIndex
Test multiple starting levels for linear regression model, select best and plotlinModelSelect
Fit linear regression, return parameters and p-valueslinRegrParamAndPVal
Replacements in listlistBatchReplace
Organize values into list and sort by nameslistGroupsByNames
Run lm on segmented data (from clustering)lmSelClu
rbind on listslrbind
Make MA-List ObjectmakeMAList
Make non-redundant matrixmakeNRedMatr
Match All Lines of Matrix To Reference NotematchMatrixLinesToRef
Value Matching with optional reversing of sub-parts of non-matching elementsmatchNamesWithReverseParts
Match names to concatenated pairs of namesmatchSampToPairw
Transform columns of matrix to list of vectorsmatr2list
Merge Multiple MatricesmergeMatrices
Merge Multiple Matrices from ListmergeMatrixList
Merge selected columns out of 2 matrix or data.framesmergeSelCol
Merge Named VectorsmergeVectors
Extended version of merge for multiple objects (even without rownames)mergeW2
Minimum distance/difference between valuesminDiff
Moderated Pair-Wise t-test From LimmamoderTest2grp
Multiple moderated pair-wise t-tests from limmamoderTestXgrp
Multiple replacement of entire character elements in simple vector, matrix or data.framemultiCharReplace
Simple Multi-to-Multi Matching of (Concatenated) TermsmultiMatch
Fast na.omitnaOmit
Number of fragments after cut at specific character(s) within size-rangenFragments
Number of fragments after cut at specific character(s)nFragments0
Count number of non-numeric charactersnNonNumChar
Transform matrix to non-ambiguous matrix (in respect to given column)nonAmbiguousMat
make numeric vector non-ambiguous (ie unique)nonAmbiguousNum
Filter for unique elementsnonredDataFrame
Non-redundant lines of matrixnonRedundLines
Normalize Data In Various ModesnormalizeThis
Extract pair of numeric values from vector or column-namesnumPairDeColNames
Order Lines of Matrix According to Reference (Character) VectororderMatrToRef
(re)organize data of (3-dim) array as list of replicatesorganizeAsListOfRepl
Simple Package Download Statistics From CRANpackageDownloadStat
Convert Pairs of Node-Names to Non-Oriented Propensity MatrixpairsAsPropensMatr
Partial distance matrix (focus on closest)partialDist
Partial unlist of lists of listspartUnlist
Advanced paste-collapsepasteC
Filter lines of matrix for max number of NAspresenceFilt
Filter for each group of columns for sufficient data as non-NApresenceGrpFilt
Protect Special CharactersprotectSpecChar
Convert p-values to lfdrpVal2lfdr
Distance of categorical data (Jaccard, Rand and adjusted Rand index)randIndFx
Contingenty tables for fit of rankingrankToContigTab
Calculate all ratios between x and yratioAllComb
Convert ratio to ppmratioToPpm
Read batch of csv-filesreadCsvBatch
Batch Reading Of Tabulated Text-FilesreadTabulatedBatch
Read Tabular Content Of Files With Variable Number Of ColumnsreadVarColumns
Read Batch of Excel xlsx-FilesreadXlsxBatch
Reduce table by aggregating smaller groupsreduceTable
Rescaling according to reference data using linear regression.regrBy1or2point
Rescaling of multiple data-sets according to reference data using regressionregrMultBy1or2point
Rename columnsrenameColumns
Reorganize matrix according to clustering-outputreorgByCluNo
Search and Select Groups of ReplicatesreplicateStructure
Replace NAs by low valuesreplNAbyLow
CV of replicate plates (list of matrixes)replPlateCV
Remove lines of matrix redundant /duplicated for 1st and 2nd columnrmDupl2colMatr
Remove or rename enumerator tag/name (or remove entire enumerator) from tailing enumeratorsrmEnumeratorName
Remove or Reassign Orphan IndexesrmOrphans
Trim/Remove Redundant WordsrmSharedWords
Normal random number generation with close fit to expected mean and sdrnormW
Row group CVrowGrpCV
rowMeans with destinction of groups (of columns, eg groups of replicates)rowGrpMeans
Count number of NAs per row and group of columnsrowGrpNA
Per line and per group sd-valuesrowGrpSds
rowSums with destinction of groups (of columns, eg groups of replicates)rowGrpSums
Estimate sd Of Median For Each Row By BootstraprowMedSds
Row NormalizerowNormalize
sd for each row (fast execution)rowSds
SEM for each rowrowSEMs
Locate Sample Index From Index Or Name Of Pair-Wise Comparisons In List Or MArrayLM-ObjectsampNoDeMArrayLM
Scale data to given minimum and maxiumumscaleXY
Search duplicated data over multiple columns, ie pairs of datasearchDataPairs
Search Points Forming Lines At Given SlopesearchLinesAtGivenSlope
Simple figure showing line from start- to end-sites of edges (or fragments) defined by their start- and end-sites 'simpleFragFig' draws figure showing start- and end-sites of edges (or fragments)simpleFragFig
2-factorial Anova on single line of datasingleLineAnova
Sort matrix by two categorical and one integer columnssortBy2CategorAnd1IntCol
Make a list of common occurances sorted by number of repeatssortByNRepeated
Estimate Mode (Most Frequent Value)stableMode
Standardize (scale) datastandardW
Standard Eror Of Median by Boot-StrapstdErrMedBoot
Summarize columns (as median,mean,min,last or other methods)summarizeCols
Count number of NAs per sub-set of columnssumNAperGroup
System-date (compressed format)sysDate
Print matrix-content as plottableToPlot
2-Factorial Limma-Style t-Testtest2factLimma
Make single vector gray-gradienttranspGraySca
Locate duplicates in text and make non-redundanttreatTxtDuplicates
Pairwise x,y combinationstriCoord
Trimmed MeantrimmedMean
Trim redundant texttrimRedundText
t.test on all individual values against all other valuestTestAllVal
Unify EnumeratorsunifyEnumerator
Report number of unique and redundant elements (optional figure)uniqCountReport
(upper) pairwise x,y combinationsupperMaCoord
Check for values within range of referencewithinRefRange
Write (and convert) csv fileswriteCsv
Express difference as ppmXYToDiffPpm